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Craniosacral Therapy for adults, pregnant women, babies, children and horses


Craniosacral Therapy

What are the benefits of Craniosacral Therapy?

Craniosacral Therapy is designed to reunite mind and body - restoring harmony, vitality and balance. I practice it because it’s a safe and effective treatment for a wide range of conditions, whether they’re acute or chronic, physical or psychological. It offers support and comfort and may be used alongside other therapies or modern medical treatments.

Who is Craniosacral Therapy for?

It’s such a gentle, non-invasive therapy that it is suitable for anyone from newborns to the elderly. It can be used to help treat acute physical problems (eg a bad back) or provide ongoing support to help you with the stresses of a busy life.

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What can I expect from a Craniosacral Therapy session?

Your initial consultation will be for an hour. I’ll ask some detailed questions about the reason for your visit and also your previous medical history and lifestyle. Unlike with a massage, you’ll remain fully clothed during the treatment, which may be conducted with you lying face up or on your side on a treatment table, or sitting in a chair.  


The therapy involves my using a light touch on your feet, head, spine or other areas, encouraging your body to relax so I can assess healing states.


All touch is fully negotiated before contact is made. This is a holistic treatment, as the body functions as a whole, so you may find I focus on areas other than where your symptoms occur. During, or after, a session, you may feel calm, energised or experience improved well-being or clarity.


Please contact me to discuss whether Craniosacral Therapy could be beneficial for a particular condition. 

Craniosacral Therapy for Mother & Baby

From the moment of conception, a child’s life is a whirlwind of change and development


CST is ideal for babies since the touch is extremely gentle and there is no need for clothing to
be removed. Mother and baby are treated together to allow the space to release held patterns of stress, tension, shock and compression and give the potential for any interruptions to the initial bonding process to be repaired. It is beneficial even if the pregnancy and birth were trouble-free.

It also offers support for:

  • Bonding and attachments

  • Establishing and supporting breastfeeding

  • Developing good sleep patterns

  • Early infant feeding issues including colic, reflux and allergies 

  • Torticollis (wry neck) or tongue tie

  • Birth interventions including ventouse, forceps, c-section, epidural, episiotomy 

  • Premature and NICU babies

Low-cost Mother & Baby Clinic


at K2 Crawley
10am - 4.30pm

50mins @ £30.00

Pre-crawling babies only

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